Friday 31 August 2012

Oxfam donation

The 'Run with the Fire' project has recently been able to donate £229.89 to Oxfam.

For more than 60 years Oxfam has been turning donations such as ours into positive action which is transforming the lives of some of the world's poorest people.

Together Oxfam and their supporters have helped farming families to get more from their land, given children the chance to go to school, and ensured that opportunities are open to everyone - even the most vulnerable - in communities around the world. They've also campaigned for changes in policies, both locally and internationally, which will ensure that poor people's efforts are properly rewarded.

Thursday 16 August 2012

'Run with the Fire' poem

Run with the Fire

Stripped down - free of weights and encumberance -
muscles taught and trained, eyes on the prize -
on track, no turning back - forgetting what is behind,
straining toward what is ahead, winged feet
bearing tongues of flame - inextinguishable flickers
of hope, the torch passed on through generations,
message of victory - peace, goodwill to all.

How lovely are the feet - run red-raw, blistered
and calloused, dust-encrusted yet lithe as leopards
and fleet as foxes - which pound the mountains,
hills, valleys and plains, echoing through history
from Marathon to London via Jerusalem.

Jonathan Evens

Monday 13 August 2012

'Run with the Fire' in California

Manuel Luz, Pastor of Creative Arts at Oak Hills Church, Folsom, California writes that the church is displaying the Run with the Fire digital exhibition "alongside of our children's Arts Camp gallery, which was themed around the Olympics this year. We will be presenting it through the duration of the Olympics." Run with the Fire can be seen in the church's Art&Soul Gallery. They write that "Oak Hills is pleased to be a part of this international event. We invite you to spend some time in our church lobby viewing the amazing works of Christian artists from around the world." To see photos from Oak Hills' children's Arts Camp click here.

Tuesday 7 August 2012

Be touched by the presence of God

Army of Artist's Run with the Fire community art exhibition and creative workshops have been attracting local press coverage in the Plymouth Herald. Click here for the latest story, here for a profile of Anita Collins, and here for the original article about their initiative.

Joy Lawrence writes:

"This is my kind of art: beautiful, touching, stunning, understandable – eat your heart out Tate Modern! ...

If you want to be inspired, encouraged, uplifted, dare I say – touched by the presence of God, take a visit to the Run With The Fire Exhibition at St Aubyn's in Devonport."